Experienced Tutors
All teachers are certified and experienced with specialized training in their areas of instruction. At least 85% of our tutors have completed a Masters Degree or Ph.D. program, and have 3 or more years of teaching experience.
Our Tutors Will:
- Perform an academic evaluation which is included as part of our first visit at no additional cost.
- Individually designed programs for skill mastery.
- Explain material in ways the student can understand, at their own pace.
- Target challenging areas and fill in the conceptual gaps.
- Provide you with Progress Reports each week for accountability.
- Communicate with classroom teachers.
Our Guarantee
For the student:
- Improved academic skills.
- Increased study & organizational skills.
- Higher self-esteem.
- Attitude improvement.
For the parent:
- Highly qualified professional tutors living in your area.
- Weekly Progress Reports.
- One on one individually designed sessions.
- Peace of mind that All Tutoring will always respond to your needs.
From the tutors:
- Highest quality professional tutoring.
- Punctual service.
- Accountability of measurable results.
- Certified and experienced with specialized training in their areas of instruction.
College Consultants
We assist with:
- Application forms.
- Student resumes.
- Admission essays.

All Subjects
- Kindergarten through college.
- Teachers trained and certified for special needs students.
- AP, IB, and all college and post-grad courses.

All Abilities
- Certified teachers who are experts in their field (85% of our tutors have a Ph.D. or masters degree).
- Gifted education and enrichment.
- Special needs strategies and instruction.

All Ages
- School age and Adult Education.
Our Guarantee
- High-quality professional tutors living in your area.
- Gifted education and enrichment.
- Special needs strategies and instruction.
Your child’s improvement is our goal. Your peace of mind is our mission!